Peanut allergy treatments for Atlanta children

Is Your Child Experiencing Peanut Allergy Symptoms?

An allergic reaction caused by peanuts can cause a lot of stress to parents. Sadly, there is no single peanut allergy treatment that offers immediate protection for this common problem. But there are several steps to reduce the chances of an allergic reaction, and to gradually desensitize your child to peanuts. Chacko Food Allergy Treatment Center works with families in Atlanta, Alpharetta and across Georgia to find the right peanut allergy solution for each child.

What Are the Steps to Take for Children With Peanut Allergies?

Peanut allergies in children have increased 21% since 2010. This rise is worrying, but it does mean there is now greater awareness – and more help for allergy sufferers. The following steps can prevent your child from getting an allergic reaction, and offer a better quality of life.

1. Speak to an Allergist

If you haven’t contacted an allergist, this should be your first step. Your allergist can conduct allergy tests to confirm if peanuts are the cause of any reactions. You can also get useful dietary and safety advice to prevent unintended contact with peanuts. After a consultation, you will have far greater knowledge and a clear path towards allergy safety.

2. Carry an Epinephrine Auto-Injector

Most kids allergic to peanuts will carry an epinephrine auto-injector in case of emergencies. Your allergy doctor will explain how to use the device, and when it’s use is appropriate. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, the device can prevent cardiac arrest and other serious consequences.

3. Communicate With Your Child

Helping your child understand their allergy is important for preventing allergic reactions. Children often share food with friends without awareness of possible peanut traces in a product. Effective communication will ensure your child understands their condition and is prepared for all situations.

4. Speak to the School

Most schools will be conscious of allergies and have policies already in place. Ensure you contact the school and make them aware of your child’s peanut allergy as soon as possible. Staff should be trained on the use of an epinephrine auto-injector, and what to do in case of emergency. You could also encourage your child to wear a medical alert bracelet to assist responders.

5. Consider Oral Immunotherapy Treatment

After a consultation with your allergist, you may decide to proceed with oral immunotherapy treatment (OIT). This process involves desensitizing the immune system through moderate consumption of peanut proteins over 6–12 months. OIT increases tolerance to the allergen and greatly reduces the chances of an allergic reaction.

What Are Effective Treatments for My Child’s Peanut Allergy?

If you or your child suffer from a peanut allergy, it’s important to work with experienced allergists. Chacko Food Allergy Treatment Center has locations in Alpharetta, Atlanta, Canton, Cumming, Druid Hills, Duluth and Johns Creek to diagnose food allergies – and to create the right treatment plan for each patient. For an appointment, call 678-668-4688 or request help online.

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